perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2012

Celebrating MidWinter!

To day is Talvennapa - the day when the back of the winter is broken and the wheel of time begins to turn toward spring. We've had a real mid-winter storm here. Last night it snowed about 20cm and today the wind has been tossing the new snow about like a rascal child enjoying a snow fight.

As I am sit here writing the night begins to fall. Tree trunks seem to grow dark and the air itself becomes blue. The last rays of the setting sun have passed beyond the hill west of our house. The twilight will last for almost an hour.

Bigger princes is sick with some sort of pox - she's covered with itchy red spots. Here festivities will include mainly eating and watching Tinkerbell's movie. The little princes grew her very first teeth during the week before new year. Her festivities include the new found art of crawling backwards on the floor and biting into things.

I hope to steal some time to journey between the worlds sometime in the evening. These times of change seem to open up a door between the worlds. And the winter wind seems to carry an invitation to flight with her.

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